Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 16, 2010

Pearlridge is filled with teeny boopers and familie at all hours! My son and I went last night around 7:30 pm to ride the monorail and hit up our surprise we found mr m&m:) he begged me to take a photo so enjoy;)

Friday, December 5, 2008

where abouts...

So its been a while since I posted anything on here. Caden and I have been pretty busy. Actually, here's how it went...

The week or so before Thanksgiving CJ caught a cold, after a few days he got better and passed it over to me! Its crazy taking care of a sick baby, but its a whole other story when you're sick taking care of a rascal baby. It was HARD! I got better by Thanksgiving. We had dinner at grandmas house. Uncle Ted took over dads spot and is now incharge of cooking for the family. Menu included: rotisserie turkey (can we say juiiiicy??!!), garlic mash, stuffing, red wine gravy and some veggies. I decided to help by making some hot crab dip w/bagel chips and pumpkin crunch cake. CJ's 1st Thanksgiving was fantastic. Looking forward to Xmas dinner, I want some pineapple ham:)

The following day (black friday) CJ and I hit up walmart in town. It wasn't too bad. I found parking quick and the lines wasn't too long. I think we just missed the madess. Since daddy_o wasn't with us I took this opportunity to take my time and shop! We spent almost 2 hours in Walmart! It was fun! I got to stroll thru isles and take my time. Why do men like to get in, grab what you need and get out?

We got our xmas tree!!!!! Carl picked out a pretty big one. A 7 footer... i think. I will post pics as soon as I can find the perfect star for the top! I cant wait to have cj pose by the tree... :)

Ok fast forward to this week. I was awakened by a hot baby on Thursday. CJ was sick, again! He had a 101.5 fever. We gave him meds and it didn't even work. His fever was going from 101 - 103. We tried everything from infant tylenol, cool bath, ice pops, cold compress... Nothing would make him feel better so last night at 11pm we went to the ER. We spent 4 hours there. First they gave him motrin. We waited and waited then they did 2 tests on him. First was an xray to see if he had pneumonia. OMG it was the most painful experience ever. They put him in this plastic tube like thing w/no shirt and his arms above his head and they close the plastic thing so he stays in that position. He was crying the whole time! It was so hard for me to watch! Then they did the flu virus test. It was a thin looking thing that they shove up one nostril at a time. I felt so bad for him. Both tests came back negative. He was then diagnosed w/respiratory infection and we got to go home. Idk when the last time I was up at 4am! I was dead tired!

Today he still has a fever, but not as high as the past few days. The motrin really helped. I was so against giving my child it but tylenol just didn't help at all! Were taking it easy today and tmw so he can be back to his old self again...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

new friends

Why does my son like the weirdest looking dolls? His first love was this UGLY dinosaur from the carnival. It was ugly and weird. Then somehow it magically disappeared. I didn't do it, I promise;) Then he picks another favorite doll. It was some black and white striped cat looking thing. It wasn't ugly, but it wasn't a cute gund doll. Anyway, I'd catch him holding it and trying to talk to it. He would make noises like "eeeeek, ooooooh, eeeek". Daddy-o was off today so we went to the mall. I saw this paul frank knitted doll and just knew from the start that this weird looking doll would catch his eye, and it did. He's always been fascinated with paul frank. When daddy_o and I would wear p.frank shirts he'd climb allover us and try and eat pauls face:)

mine, mine, mine

i'm walking ma, cheeehu!

Besides pauls face, ceeejster loves to eat juju ba! I mean like looooves it so much you cant even take it away from him or he'll start yelling at you to give it back.


Anyway, for those of you who know me, I am pretty much the only one out of my gf's who has a baby. Not for long!!!! There was some good news yesterday, I take that back.. SOME GRRRREAT NEWS!!! After much anticipation, someone is preggers! You best be taking those prenatals, ya heard?!?! I'm sooo excited! One papaya on the way!!!! Ceej has been begging me for more friends.

This is Isaiah, he is Caden's first and only friend at the moment. Isaiah is 1 1/2 months older than CJ. Their daddy_o's are best pals. From the photos above look like its love at first sight, hehehe babies can be so cute!

This is Aunty Joanna and cousin Xanna. Xanna loves to say "CJ" in her cute high pitched girly voice. We've been sick all alst week so we havent had time to get together..see you girls soon;)
p.s. if you guys havent yet, please rsvp to cj's party=)

Monday, November 24, 2008


Hi everyone,
Ive been meaning to start this blog ALOT earlier but I haven't had the time. Anyway, Caden-James is now 10 1/2 months old. He's sitting, crawling, standing, walking (kinda sorta), climbing on/off things and rolling over. Ive got my hands full! He' starting to eat ALOT of new food everyday. His favorite foods are... yogurt, melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew) and juice.

I know it's almost Thanksgiving but here is a photo of Caden's 1st Halloween.

::what is this?::


::wahh i want it back!!!!::

Whatcha think of the scary pumpkin? It was daddy-o's first time carving, not to shabby yah?